Electrolytes for Horses

Electrolytes for Horses

3 items
Emin US Electrolyte, 1500 g


US Electrolyte, 1500 g

1.5 kg (€11.97 / kg)
Effol Med Electrolyt Syrup 500ml


Med Electrolyt Syrup 500ml

0.5 L (€43.00 / L)
Pavo E'lyte 3kg


Pavo E'lyte 3kg

3 kg (€13.33 / kg)
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Horse electrolytes help replenish the body after strenuous exercise.

Keeping your horse hydrated is essential to its health. During exercise horses can lose minerals through sweat. Riding in high temperatures and working hard can cause the horse to dehydrate. Feeding a daily dose of electrolytes can encourage your horse to drink enough water to compensate for this loss. Replacing minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride, sulphate, magnesium, calcium and other important minerals will keep it performing at its best. The highly effective formulas in the electrolyte supplements available at Horze can ensure your horse recovers more quickly after strenuous exercise and heavy sweating. The balance of these minerals is key to both recovery and performance. By consistently feeding a suitable daily supplement, you can be assured that your horse's mineral balance will be maintained. A  dose of highly concentrated electrolytes will provide a boost after a tough competition, when bringing the horse’s body back into balance quickly is crucial. Whichever product you choose for maintaining your horse's electrolyte balance, Horze has the right product for your horse’s needs.